A Christmas Spirit Lifter & A DIY Round Up

So here's the thing about buying a house and knowing that you are moving mere weeks after the Christmas frenzy: your house/life are completely devoid of Christmas spirit. Instead, you simply are looking at alllllllllllllll of the projects that you CANNOT WAIT to do on the new house. (Notice the future tripping theme rearing its ugly head again.) In the midst of my DIY Home Improvement Stalking, wouldn't you know it, I came across these little freeby gems. The printables are adorable, and one of them is getting framed and turned into a gift for my favorite chef (he will likely be the only friend receiving something this year, because this Harry Potter dealy bob is too great to pass up... did I mention it is free!?).

Here are the fun things I have found thus far:

  1. Decor & The Dog House Tour-- just LOOK at those paint colors would ya!?
  2. DIY Curtains from YHL
  3. How To Paint Cabinets from YHL (again)
  4. DIY Farm Table- LB is going to build this for our new actually people sized dining room
  5. And finally, from the blog I have ridiculously stalked this past week, the YHL folks recommend this paint brush for all of my cutting in and painting adventures. Add it to the Christmas list!

So yes, my blog stalking is reaching epic levels as work slows down and home buying picks up, but there is still room to remember to bring a little joy to the world for He has come.