Products I Love: Hair Care Review!

I made a promise and I intend to keep it. About a month ago (or two...eeks) I wrote about my hair care routine and noted that I was going to try out the Amika Blowout Spray to see how it compared to my long-time go to Moroccan Oil (no relation to Mariah Carey's twin kiddo). The experiment was super easy, but it required me to wash my hair more, which I hate really hard work y'all, but here are the results.

The Showdown!

hair product

 Moroccan Oil:


  • This stuff just smells like heaven. And I mean heaven. When I put it on my head, LB always mentions how good my hair smells. And I am not stinky y'all (don't all people who hate to shower say this about themselves?).
  • It makes my hair shiny, soft, and not too weighed down.
  • It lasts FOREVER. It requires so little each time and I have pretty long hair that it seems like magic how long one bottle stays in my arsenal.
  • I can put a little in my hair and let it air dry (aka: I don't have to bust out the blow dryer) and it won't get oily.


  • If you use too much you go from shiny to oily in a hot second. You must use WAY less than you think you need and start at the ends of your hair-- not your scalp. You'll look like a greasy helmet head if you do #so1990s
  • It doesn't give you extra lift per se

Amika Blow Out Spray:


  • It is cheap. Like $13 cheap.
  • The blow out spray really does give you hair that blown out look-- volume without frizz and just clean.
  • No risk of oily (I do about three sprays in about 5 different sections of my hair and then comb through)


  • You cannot use this and NOT blow dry (hence, the name). I am lazy and so this was a drawback.
  • The smell seems neutral-- I don't love it, but it's not bad either.


BOTH! Isn't that so annoying. If I were in the habit of keeping masses of hair products in my cupboards, which I totally am am not, I would keep both. Amika for when I want to really style my hair and Moroccan for the everyotherday. So if forced to choose, I would go with Moroccan for its versatility, but I do think I would miss the Amika for that Texas pageant hair vibe when I really want to show off how light and fluffy my hair is.

What's your go-to hair styling product? Can you let your hair air dry like me in the summer? (It's my favorite).

Products I Love: Hair Care Edition

Graduation!So yeah... my hair is super long, and straight, and styles pretty easily. (Also, I don't think there is ever a wrong time to post a picture of yourself on your law school graduation wearing a Harry Potter hat). I am totally lucky. And I can tie it in a knot and bow and throw it over my shoulder like a continential soldier... my hair hangs low. (If you don't know that song, well, I'm sorry). Overall my hair is pretty darn healthy because of the following reasons and products.

  1. I have not used shampoo with sodium laureth sulfate in it since college (sigh, 10 years ago). I discovered that besides it being all sorts of chemically grossness that strips your hair, it makes your skin break out. Hence why I will never understand why so many facial cleansers have it in there as well. I haven't touched the stuff in years.
  2. I use WEN. But I do so following this very technical step-by-step guide: rinse your hair when you are in the shower for a solid minute or two. Then use about 4-7 pumps for long thick hair (none of this 12-25 pumps crap) and comb it through. Let it sit while you do your lady business and then rinse that stuff out for at least 2 minutes. Then once a week use a clarifying shampoo. I use Lush's Rehab Shampoo, but I am not crazy about it because of the parabens and sulfates. Once it's gone I'll be on the hunt for some good chemical free clarifying goodness. rehab rehab
  3. I DO NOT shower/wash my hair everyday. This is a life no-no. If your hair gets greasy day 2, the answer is not to wash, but to use
  4. DRY SHAMPOO! The splurge brand I love is Serge Normant, and the cheap brand is treseme from Target.
  5. Image Image

  6. Post Shower Styling 99% of the time includes a blow dry which means that I 99% of the time use the Morrocan Oil. Based on my friend Vanessa's recommendation of Amika Blowout Spray, I ordered a bottle and will give that a run. I'll report back with the victor.

rehabrehab What about you? What products do you love?