Katie's Fashion Rules

I have always loved Katie's sense of style. She literally looks adorable every day. Like EVERY DAY. Given her sense of style, I asked her to write us a guest post on what she considers her go to rules about fashion. I write this list not believing in Do’s and Don’ts of fashion at all, at least on a global level, because fashion is an expression of self, so who has a right to say what’s right or wrong in that regard. However, we all have our “OMG why?” and our “I need that in my closet” moments and as someone who loves “fashion”, I’m really excited to share my list. I say “fashion” with the quotes because I don’t pretend to know or care too much about what goes on at the New York, Milan, Hong Kong, Paris, etc., fashion weeks, I only know what I love and what I don’t. So here it goes:

1. Absolutely no socks with sandals. I don’t care what the Olsen twins are wearing at the airport, socks and sandals are a no go! I mean seriously, what’s the point? Put on some damn shoes or ditch the socks!












2. Jewelry, wear it! I think some ladies tend to forget that the jewelry you wear is just as important as any other part of the outfit. It’s part of your fashion personality, so wear it!


3. Girl, splurge on that pair of jeans once a year, but only if they fit like a glove and show off the assets you want to flaunt. Jeans are a great staple, you can dress them up or go casual and no one will know you’ve been wearing the same pair 3 days in a row. Once you’ve found your perfect cut and brand, don’t feel bad about buying them, it’s worth it! Paige Denim is my favorite and they always have a few pairs at Nordstrom Rack if you just can’t part with $100+ on a pair. (DL1961 and Paige Denim)


4. The way your clothing fits your body and your style is more important than how much it costs. This is something I’ve learned over time and now I am an avid thrift shopper, be it consignment stores or Goodwill. If it fits you and is your style, it doesn’t matter if it cost you $50 or $3, you can rock it! Besides, you might be surprised what goods people will give away! But don’t get me wrong, I buy new just as often as I thrift shop. The point is, if you like it, buy it, if you don’t, don’t, but if it fits you like a glove, think about it twice before you decide not to purchase ;)

5. Be adventurous! Don’t worry about buying “outfits” when you shop, but be willing to mix and match items in your closet; prints and patterns, gold & silver! Wear some faux fur or a hat! You might be surprised how good you feel in something you never thought you could pull off!

And my number one fashion rule of thumb is:….

6. Your style is about you. The person staring back at you from the dressing room mirror, the bathroom mirror, the hallway mirror, is always you. Dress for yourself and no one else, EVER! (Except on these 3 occasions: Church, Job Interview, Weddings with dress codes, but even then, follow your own style code).