It's Raining Photos!

Happy Native American Day! Some of you lucky ducks like myself might have today off so I have a bunch of photography related suggestions for you to fill your time today. Slide1

  1. Work on those gratitude challenge photos! Get. Outside. Now. The categories I am really struggling with are transportation, inspiring person, and something old. What about you?
  2. Make that photo book from your wedding, child's birth, last year, trip around the world, trip to the park. Get those photos organized and try to find some gratitude challenge inspiration! Remember: If you took the picture at any time with a camera on manual mode, you can use it for the challenge!
  3. Get inspiration by making an instagram photo book! Read on...

Turn Your Instagram Photos into Your New Favorite Book with Blurb (sponsored post)

If you are a rabid Instagrammer, and wistfully browsing through your Instagram profile to take in all those beautiful shots isn't cutting it anymore, why not take your talent to the next level and make a real commitment to your photography? With Blurb, you can take all of your Instagram shots and turn them in to a high quality printed book in just minutes. There is no hassle of sorting and editing, no endless hours wasted formatting for specific page requirements… just pick what you like and make it real. Watch this Blurb video to see how you can turn your feed into a seriously brag-worthy book. It’s incredibly easy and even a little bit fun. (You can even publish your Facebook photos (with comments) into a book!)

Ready to start publishing? Save 20% on photo books with code OCT20%, which is great news if you're thinking ahead to the holidays and making a gift to send. Special offer for new customers only—save 25% on photo books with code OCT25%… even better for those of you who are new to Blurb books. Just don't wait because these deals end October 31st.

Blurb Books: A Discount!

**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. You guys might remember that I posted about our photo guest book from Blurb. Well, Blurb has now signed House of Bennetts up as affiliates and we couldn't be more pumped. What does this mean for you? Discounts OBVIOUSLY.

My opinion of Blurb books comes from my own experience, and definitely hasn't changed now that we are affiliates with them! As a reminder, way before we were affiliates, I searched around A TON to find a high quality, hard cover book for our engagement photos that would also allow me to leave space for the guests to write messages.  I ended up landing at Blurb. Their books do not dissapoint. I am in love with how easy the software is to use and also how GORGEOUS the full page spreads turned out.

Check out my full book here.

And once again enjoy some of my favorite pages...





Remember, Blurb is offering 15% off on all printed products for returning customers and 25% off for first purchases made by new customers through May 31st!  Simply use the code MYFIRST at checkout for new customers and 15%SAVINGS for returning customers. These deals expire next week, so if you're going to grab one, you better hurry! Hustle your bustles people!

Make that baby book. Finally put together your yearbook. Just grab all of your favorite photos and quotes of your favorite people and get them printed. Go team go!

PS: their software to design the book is FREE and there is no charge until your order is placed! BABBBBBBBAM!