35 Weeks

weeks How I’m Feeling: The heartburn reigns supreme. I finally caved and am taking Pepcid after talking to my midwives and not sleeping for three nights in a row. The Pepcid is working and I fall asleep in about .2 seconds around 9 pm every night. Not having your chest and throat on fire does wonders for a girl. I am generally super uncomfortable and am feeling "pressure" in certain AHEM areas. All good signs, but man, she's getting too big for her own good!

Belly/Weight: Still on track for gaining a pound a week this entire pregnancy and feeling great about it. The belly seems lower to me and the midwives concur. At my last appointment they showed me how low her head was and all I could say was "... uhuh. That makes total sense."

Life Changes: I am tired and depleted. LB had knee surgery unexpectedly this week and that has been really hard. I am hoping his recovery is quick so that he can support me through delivery.

Purchases/Nursery Decisions? The nursery is done-ish. And in fact, all that remains is finding/making/buying her white sheer, gold polka dot curtains. I attempted a DIY with fabric paint and it was a total disaster. Curtains are on the back burner for now.


I ordered her pouf! And once it is here and I review it, you all are going to get a discount to the Etsy shop! Be pumped for that.

Here's a sneak peek at her nursery that I posted on Instagram.

nursery peek

I really want to change out the large black frame you can see in the background, but that would require spray painting and LB would have to do it.

Movement: She is kneeing and elbowing out my right side about 40 times a day and is clearly running out of room in there! This whole discovering my rib cage thing has also been not so comfortable.

Sleep: So much better since I started handling the heartburn at night.

Cravings: LB's cookies. Fruit still- but the heartburn reaction from consuming fruit is almost instantaneous. Shoveling down as much food as possible period. My appetite has definitely increased.

Exercise: Still Walking! Averaging about 2-3 miles a day. Have slacked off on prenatal yoga, but am going to try to go this weekend. My whole hip cradle needs it.

Favorite Pregnancy Moment this week: At our birth class, we have been practicing relaxation techniques and LB has been totally open to feedback on what I like and do not. He's getting really good at the gentle head and shoulder rubs! Second favorite? Talking to my friend Priscilla who has had two natural child births. My biggest take away from her was the following mantra: I can do anything for 90 seconds.

On My Mind: I am ready to meet her. I am ready to go through this birth experience with her and LB and our doula. I am ready to not be pregnant.

Baby to do list: A More Detailed Version

  • Paint baby's room
  • Get crown molding and built in bookshelves painted
  • Get daybed/futon for office
  • Arrange her room
  • Start getting art on walls in her room
  • Finish breastfeeding book
  • Pick out fabric to make her changing table cover, and curtains.
  • Make those things above.
  • Start freezing food (may need to get a chest freezer from costco).
  • Hospital Tour
  • Birth Class
  • Baby Shower :) :) :)

21 Weeks! Over Halfway... WHAT!?!

How I’m Feeling: I've finally gotten that bit of energy that people talk about, but compared to my normal pace of things, I still feel sluggish. My sciatic and just general low back are hanging out at around a consistent 5-6 on the pain scale all day long and I am NOT a fan. Luckily a co-worker told me about a chiropractor close to my work and the two times I have gone, I have left PAIN FREE. Which is huge. I plan on continuing to go once a week. Belly/Weight: I am up to about 14 pounds gained and I genuinely don't know where besides my chest that weight is going... well obviously some is going to the baby bump that has now made it's appearance!

20 weeks

Life Changes: We have been kicking ass on house projects like the kitchen and combining our offices to make room for Baby girl's room. That feels so good even though my ability to hammer things out (literally and figuratively is hampered a bit). I promise that one day my prince will come I will put together a blog post with the house updates. It's just... I am pregnant. And my feet swell. And... I am just tired.

Purchases? A few odds and ends here and there, but my recent "mom" score was this teething necklace that LB picked up for me. They're cute and even though I won't need them for a while, it was one of those, when you see it, snatch it items.

teething necklace

Movement: She is a cruising machine. During her anatomy ultrasound, the tech was struggling to get all of the pictures because she was wiggling so much. One of the pictures she did get, however, was of baby girl flipping off the camera. She is our daughter after all. :)

Sleep: Thumbs up when it cools off at night. We feel bad (due to our downstairs guest) turning up the AC at night for sleep because it gets SUPER cold down there. When we can turn the attic fan on, I sleep like a champ.

Cravings: None really this week. I am learning portion control for the first time in my life, and I am not a fan. I just cannot eat until I am full anymore because my stomach is getting more and more smushed by the day.

Exercise: Still Walking! Still haven't done my yoga DVD! Still loving my fitbit!


Favorite Pregnancy Moment this week: Getting an entire baby wardrobe from Sam. There are no words that would express my gratitude adequately.

On My Mind: Learning about her... what makes her tick. And also, breastfeeding. I finally ordered the breastfeeding book that Vanessa recommended and am hoping that the knowledge gives me just a smidge of direction. :)

Baby to do list: Progress people-- we are making progress!

  • Cars that we both like and are safe enough for baby.
  • Basically gut my office and combine them 
  • Clear out the gym room and...
  • Start to make that space into baby's room
  • Get the granite and backsplash done in the kitchen
  • Gut and remodel the bathroom upstairs
  • Buy/borrow ALL OF THE THINGS for a first time baby
  • Birthing classes-- paid for and scheduled! 
  • Meeting with doula twice
  • Read all of the books
  • Pick out names
  • Schedule visitors and deliver the "bad news" that they need to have had a whooping cough and flu vaccine before seeing baby in the winter. Also, if they've been sick within a month of visiting... it's a no visit zone. I DO NOT want my baby getting RSV (oh the joys of a winter bundle).