Levi's 2nd Birthday!

We now break from the wedding goodness for an adorable child's birthday party... Since I missed Levi's first birthday by going on a road trip with Esther after the bar, it was only fitting that we make a grand appearance a week after our wedding at his second shindig.  When Jay asked me to bring my camera and take pictures, I knew I had no choice but to haul my sick little booty to their house. Jay actually implements all of those pinterest worthy ideas and also isn't afraid to ask for help in doing so. She's talented, beautiful, and excepting her second boy in a month or so.

These. These are my people.

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I promised you pinterest worthy ideas and so JUST LOOK at these cupcakes she made and frosted herself.... who actually does frosting that well?

Jay. That's who.

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Jay also had a photo booth station, a sand box, bean bag toss, and, wait. LOOK AT THIS STUNNING KID!

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Sorry I got distracted by the adorableness that is Mr. Levi. Back to pinterest worthy ideas revolving around trains, boys and birthdays.


This chalkboard goodness is Jay's natural handwriting. Jerk.

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The little Goofy train was Levi's dad's. Swoon.


These were the favors. Are you kidding me!?


Jay. You make us all look bad, but thanks for letting me capture little dude's big birthday!

What crazy birthday party goodness have you seen lately?

Weekly Update... Late of course

Here goes... Work: I've made it through three weeks of work and absolutely love the Firm. I am working on a water law thing right now (READ: teaching myself water law with the help of awesome attorneys), and it has been really hard.  But I really am learning a ton and recognizing that I can do this: be an attorney. It's very exciting and exhausting. I come home from work and have no desire to do ANYTHING but sit on the couch and read a book or watch TV.

Money: I am starting to feel ok about where we are at with money. It's really never going to be enough (unless I do the Jay plan: win the lottery), and so I am trying to be smart about where my money goes. The most difficult things for me to not spend money on are, and have always been, food and clothes.  I love to eat out and try new places, but then I go to Costco and spend a ton of money on food that we don't end up eating that week. Magically, our food budget goes from about $200/week to about $350. It's CRAZY! Gotta work on that... big time.

Love: LB and I are great. 50 Shades of Grey has helped me out... :) If you haven't read the book, prepare yourself first and read the reviews.

Family: Hmmm... easily my biggest area of disappointment right now. I reached out to my Aunt/Mom to get K's phone number to wish her a happy birthday. I had not even text spoken to her since Mother's Day. When she responds she asks me one quick question: How is work? And then launches into a discussion of how proud of M she is for going to massage therapy school after graduating high school and that she bought her a massage table and... blah blah. Don't get me wrong: graduating from high school is a great thing and taking the ambition to go to a trade school afterwards is better than working at McDonald's forever. However, a little perspective would be appreciated... she didn't get into Harvard people. I recognize that I am acting a touch like a 12 year old right now (basically screaming: "Why aren't you proud of me!????") and yet I promised I would be honest on this blog and this is my honest feeling.

FOOD: in the past few weeks I have tried some great places and recipes... here's a quick rundown:

Jing in the tech center: the Kobe beef burger is out of this world-- juicy, flavorful and the sweet potato fries will blow your face off. Also got the strawberry salmon roll and it was uniquely wonderful.

Zink also in the tech center: WEIRD location, but great food and service. It is legitimately in a Double Tree Hotel and we were the only people there for lunch. The food is reasonably priced and well presented. I had the prime rib sandwich and it was juicy, cooked well and the bread didn't abuse the roof of my mouth.

Recipe: I made quinoa, a black bean and corn salad, with chipotle hummus on spinach wraps and it was so simple, wonderful, and a great vegetarian option for us to put into the rotation!