Read It... Read it Real Good

Since I have been stuck at home for a while and without the use of an arm... so weird... I have been able to get through massive quantities of TV and a few books too. Since sharing is caring, I wanted to update y'all on my reads! *Check out all of my book loving posts here!

Read It:

we were liars

I love all things Cape Cod/Nantucket-y in my life and this book hit on that. It also had a great twist towards the end that I won't spoil here. What starts out as a great story about a wealthy family who also has issues just like the rest of us (shocker) becomes something else entirely.  A quick, fun read and one I would recommend. Also going to incorporate new ratings into my book recommendations.

We Were Liars Rating: 7 out of 10

Purchased and Started:

big little lies

Just started reading Big Little Lies on the train before surgery and am dying to keep going. It takes place in Sydney (fun) and so far follows a group of wack-a-doo school moms who all love/hate each other. The mass of characters can seem like a lot at first, but dang, I am liking this one so far.

Big Little Lies Rating (so far): 8.5 out of 10



I also finally bought The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. Haven't started this gal yet, but have heard great things.

What books should I get with my blow money next week!??