House Furniture Shopping

Today, since LB is working, I am getting out and shopping getting things done.I just bought this beauty for $350 + 15% off from World Market.


I also spotted these glorious tables and chairs at World Market.


20140120-120631.jpg Even though the table was on sale for $499 and the chair for $120 (each) I am determined to find a used table that I can refinish. I am currently in the process of doing this with my $30 thrift store dresser turned TV stand. I got the first coat of Minwax stain on it last night and will take some pictures to post tomorrow.

Other than being behind on the kitchen in every which way (cabinets are just primed, the cement board is not up and thus no tile, haven't even started the countertops, the light is on backorder until March) and moving on Thursday things are coming along.

Oh! And we've been sleeping there since Saturday. My funkiness with moving and such has thus far been ok. I had a bit of a rough non sleeping night last night but mostly because I was worried about finding everything I needed as well as not missing my regular train.

Turns out, getting to my stop takes 12 minutes and so leaving at 6:40 works just great.