Things the Postpartum Momma Needs

Ok y'all. This is gonna be quick and dirty because NEWBORN. This list is based on having a natural, vaginal delivery. (I just said vagina. Twice.). Talk to other c-section mommas about their must haves. Books

I read the breastfeeding book before she was here and it turned out to be an invaluable resource once she was here. I referred to it multiple times the first week home and it saved us a trip back to the lactation consultants.

By week three, I needed to know if we were doing ok/normal in the sleep arena. Vanessa recommended this book and I wish I would have read it before she got here. I read it now during nap times and just focus on the exact age that she is. It is broken out really well by week for newborns. Love it.


For the Boobs

A good pump. I like my Medela Pump in Style Advanced. I got it for $50 from a lady at work and got the replacement parts from Maymom on Amazon.

I finally accumulated four of these tank tops and it's the best. I live in them day in day out and probably will continue to do so when I go back to work.


The number of these pads that I have gone through is nothing short of shocking.

These were CLUTCH for when my milk came in and my boobs were engorged. They also would help the momma that is having supply issues. 45 seconds in the microwave 5 minutes before feeding and feel that milk let down. :)

Don't ask questions. Take this to the hospital with you and use it after every feeding for the first week or so. I still sometimes use it after a particularly hefty pump. It's awesome.

For the Bottom

I have gone through two jars of this stuff. You are going to want to get into the tub with it at least twice a day to start. Plus, it guarantees that you are giving yourself two 20 minute awake breaks during the day.

Again, the number of pads that I have gone through is amazing. Just get the giant ones for after you go through the ones that you hoard from the hospital. Also, you should hoard the mesh underwear they give you and once that is gone, go buy some giant soft underwear from Target that you will get rid of after about 6-8 weeks. Trust.

These they will give you some at the hospital, but I have already gone through a second "back-up" pack. They sell these at Target too and they just feel so nice. No need to freeze, they are cooling on their own.

I dig this cause it's a spray and all natural. If you tear or have extremely gnarly action on your tush, I say just use the hemorrhoid creme and don't feel bad about it.

If you need to get a stool softener, do it. I just got some Fiber One cereal and started eating that every morning. My midwife suggested actually eating that at night.

Edited from a Doula: I tell clients to prepare "nests" areas where they can just set up shop for long periods of time. One in their room, one on the couch etc, where there is anything they could need (diapers, wipes, snacks, drink, onesie, diaper cream etc) so they can just sit and relax without having to worry about getting up to go get something.

Depends and "good nights" bed pads are life savers sometimes.


Have your most three comfortable PJ pants on hand-- you are not going to want to wear yoga pants (too tight).

Invest in open sweaters like this if it's the winter, so you can access your boobs in your nursing tank super easily.


Bring your own jammies that you don't really care about throwing out to the hospital. Anything you bring to the hospital will get nasty. It just will.

And by about week 4-- just hand the baby off and go find one pair of jeans that fit you right now. That way you aren't wearing maternity cargo pants everywhere and feeling like a total schlump.

Edited: Add an ergo baby carrier with the infant insert to this list so that momma can get out of the house. It is much more for momma than for baby (SANITY SAVER!). 


Hospital "Freebies"

"Steal" the following (seriously, every room you are in, clean them out of these items. We brought an extra large duffle bag for this exact purpose.):

  • Thick Pads
  • Tucks wipes
  • Mesh undies
  • The donut to sit on
  • Peri bottle
  • Hemorrhoid cream
  • Diapers
  • Wipes
  • Onesies

A Sanity Note:

This phase is intense, mommas, but you got this. You really do. Don't worry about how much something costs, if it is $20 that will make you feel more comfortable, just do it.

Edited: Essential oil blend for momma: I got this recipe from my guru of all things, Vanessa and put it in a roller ball. Made a huge difference those first two weeks. Equal parts Clary Sage/Feminine Blend, Orange, and Grounding/Balance/Joy. Rolle it on the back of neck and collar bones all the live long day. 

The biggest thing is support. Either family who comes and actually helps or hire a postpartum doula so all mom needs to do is focus on herself and her baby.

Any other must haves for those first two months???

39 Weeks

How I’m Feeling: The heartburn, the "lowness" of the baby, and the inability to get comfortable mean that I am DONE being pregnant. I am just ready for her to be here.

Belly/Weight: Staying at a solid 38 pounds gained for this pregnancy with a pretty small belly... I guess. LB keeps pointing out pregnant women and saying, "See... she looks ready to pop... you do not." I am sure this is meant to be sweet, but I WANT TO POP!

Life Changes: I am grumpy. I am working from home now until she comes (thank the sweet Lord Baby Jesus), and trying to get out at my lunch break and get some steps in. Today's location? Home Depot!

Purchases/Nursery Decisions? The nursery is done!


I ordered her first Christmas ornament and we went last weekend and got her Baby's First Christmas stocking from Pottery Barn Kids. LB's family makes these gorgeous cross-stitch stockings and we've got one of those on order for next year for her.


We also invested in some Nest Protect cameras and I am already so glad that we did. It will be awesome to be able to check in on her and see that she is okay when I go back to work. Not to mention the whole "if we get broken into, we will have video evidence" thing.

Movement: She hurts me. A lot. All the times. Even though she is at a -2 Station already (aka, super low) she is so long and wants to stretch out that she is still all up in my ribs.

Sleep: Touch and go... I've been having some stress dreams that I think are mostly induced from needing to pee and then waking up and thinking-- am I in labor!? And then not being. And then peeing. And then trying to go back to sleep. Plus-- the heartburn is still getting me good.

Cravings: Breakfast food: cinnamon rolls, scones, eggs, toast, bacon, hashbrowns, potatoes of any form, and cereal.

Exercise: Still Walking! Averaging about 2-3 miles a day. I am doing hip rolls on the ball and stretching at night at home because the thought of finding something that fits and going to yoga just seems like too much right now.

Favorite Pregnancy Moment this week: Finding out at my appointment how very very low she is and that everything is cued up for the big day. I also have loved getting funny texts that have nothing to do with "IS SHE HERE YET?" from my sister. They make my day.

On My Mind: WHEN IS SHE GOING TO BE HERE!? My office thinks this Friday (12/4), and I still think Peek's birthday (12/8). It's anyone's game at this point.

Baby to do list: A More Detailed Version

  • Paint baby's room
  • Get crown molding and built in bookshelves painted
  • Get daybed/futon for office
  • Arrange her room
  • Start getting art on walls in her room
  • Finish breastfeeding book
  • Pick out fabric to make her changing table cover, and curtains.
  • Make those things above.
  • Start freezing food (may need to get a chest freezer from costco).
  • Hospital Tour
  • Birth Class
  • Baby Shower :) :) :)